Latest from David Ridley
A study recently published in peer reviewed journal Nutritional Bulletin advises those who follow a vegan and vegetarian diet to supplement with vitamin B12, especially women of childbearing age, including those who are planning pregnancies or are lactating, who are "generally higher risk of vitamin and mineral inadequacies and deficiencies, including but not limited to vitamin B12."
Perrigo is among the supporters of a campaign to get a clause of Germany's Medicines Advertising Act removed, which bans the advertising of the OTC morning after pill.
Bayer hopes Impli's implantable hormone biosensor will reveal self-care opportunities in the areas of stress, sleep, weight management, cardiovascular health, women’s health, or bone health.
Even at conservative estimates, switching an additional 97 molecules could save about €200m, according to France's consumer health industry association.
Nevertheless, the problematic text of the political declaration, which industry argues incorrectly implies that the United Nations General Assembly is advocating for a restriction on sales of commonly used non-prescription antimicrobials, such as topical antifungal thrush and foot creams and antiviral cold sore treatments, was approved.
“Politicians must create the right framework” to promote Rx-to-OTC switch in Germany, insists Pharma Deutschland deputy general manager Elmar Kroth.