
European cross-country HTA collaborations have much to learn from each other to keep prices from rising unfairly, Nordic health technology assessment experts say, adding that talks on collaboration are also ongoing with HTA bodies outside the continent.

European cross-country HTA collaborations have much to learn from each other to keep drug prices from rising unfairly, Nordic health technology assessment experts say, adding that talks on collaboration are also ongoing with HTA bodies outside the continent.

It is time for companies to take part in cross-country health technology assessments and stop only asking “what’s in it for me?”

It is time for companies to take part in cross-country health technology assessments and stop asking “what’s in it for me?”

Stay up to date on regulatory guidelines from around the world with the Pink Sheet's Guidance Tracker. The complete Global Pharma Guidance Tracker, with sortable and searchable listings going back to 2014, is available online.

Scotland’s health technology assessment body has agreed to reimburse Chiesi’s Elfabrio for Fabry disease, mirroring the decision from several other European countries – however, France turned down the rare disease drug, while Germany questioned its benefit.

Industry shoulders some blame for growing unease about joint clinical assessments after its failure to participate in pilots.

Alvotech stepped into its 2023 annual financing results call bursting with positive news and momentum, on the back of obtaining USFDA approval for its biosimilar Humira product and a bullish outlook for its strong pipeline of biosimilar candidates.

Stay up to date on regulatory guidelines from around the world with the Pink Sheet's Guidance Tracker. The complete Global Pharma Guidance Tracker, with sortable and searchable listings going back to 2014, is available online.

Stay up to date on regulatory guidelines from around the world with the Pink Sheet's Guidance Tracker. The complete Global Pharma Guidance Tracker, with sortable and searchable listings going back to 2014, is available online.