Regulatory Trackers
Global Pharma Guidance Update

Stay up to date on regulatory guidelines from around the world with the Pink Sheet's Guidance Tracker. The complete Global Pharma Guidance Tracker, with sortable and searchable listings going back to 2014, is available online.

Comprehensively track regulatory guidance documents issued by medicines authorities from around the globe. Updated monthly.

Stay up to date on regulatory guidelines from around the world with the Pink Sheet's Guidance Tracker. The complete Global Pharma Guidance Tracker, with sortable and searchable listings going back to 2014, is available online.

Stay up to date on regulatory guidelines from around the world with the Pink Sheet's Guidance Tracker. The complete Global Pharma Guidance Tracker, with sortable and searchable listings going back to 2014, is available online.
European Performance Tracker

A list of EU biosimilar filings, CHMP opinions and EU marketing authorizations, including details of the biosimilar company, the brand name/INN, indication(s), the reference product/company, and the date and type of event.

This is an update of recommendations from the European Medicines Agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use on the authorization of new medicines in the EU, and updates on EU marketing authorization changes recommended by the CHMP.

This is an update of recommendations from the European Medicines Agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use on the authorization of new medicines in the EU, and updates on EU marketing authorization changes recommended by the CHMP.

Pridopidine, Prilenia Therapeutics’ investigational treatment for Huntington’s disease, is among the latest products that the European Medicines Agency has started reviewing for potential pan-EU marketing authorization.
US FDA Performance Tracker

Another record-breaking year for novel approvals looks out of reach, but the six novel agents with November goal dates show the continued strength of rare disease drug development.

Members of the Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee repeatedly challenged Stealth’s assertion that a new randomized trial in Barth syndrome was not possible, but also said potential functional unblinding and other challenges could compromise a new study.

Pink Sheet reporter and editors discuss experts’ experience helping drug sponsors negotiate prices with CMS and the FDA’s proposal for a new pathway to update vaccines before a pandemic is declared.

The FDA’s vaccine advisory committee endorsed a new plan to update pandemic influenza vaccines “inter-pandemic,” but encouraged the agency to consider how to make the approach feasible for novel vaccine technologies.