Cox Enterprises Reinventing Health Care
Reinventing Health Care

Making Investments in the Future-state of Health Care

At Cox Enterprises, we think a lot about the future and our role in leaving the world a better place. When we consider what opportunities have the greatest potential for making a positive impact on future generations, we know that improving our current health care landscape is not only a great business opportunity but a moral imperative – an action that has the potential to lengthen and strengthen the lives of everyone on the planet.

A Message from Our President and CEO

Cox is a company focused on the future. We’re always thinking about innovative ways we can make things better — both for today and for the next generation.

One of the ways we’re doing that is through our 34 by 34 initiative. This is our ambitious goal to empower 34 million people to live more prosperous lives by

2034. This is an opportunity to make a real and lasting impact on people’s lives by giving them tools to reach greater prosperity. More prosperity means stronger communities. That’s good for business — and true to our overall purpose.

Alex Taylor | Cox Enterprises

The 2nd Annual
MedTech Visionaries Virtual Event & Awards

Celebrating Visionaries that impact the world in positive ways