Call: US & CAN (877) 396-3376 | Int’l (514) 636-9959 

Designed to help you deliver better care


Patients and RCPs can safely consider the Frequencer® as a preferred or primary method.

 Ref: © The Journal RESPIRATORY CARE Co. |ISSN: 0020-1324 e-ISSN: 1943-3654

Proven Effectiveness

Test results show significant increases in mucus flow rates using the Frequencer® as a component of CPT


Click to watch
Dymedso Frequencer® Airway Clearance Solution video on YouTube

Dymedso is committed to improving the quality of care for patients struggling to breathe due to mucus-filled lungs.

We are proud to contribute to the technological advances of science in the treatment
of lung infections by offering a
cutting-edge, non-invasive
physiotherapy treatment
that benefits even the most
vulnerable patients.
Kim Anderson,
President, Dymedso


Frequencer® An Effective & Consistent Therapy For Everyone


Using the Frequencer® with
Mechanically Ventilated Patients


Using the Frequencer® To Treat
Infant and Pediatric Patients


Using the Frequencer®
Therapist-Assisted Or
Autonomous Patient


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