MedTech Visionaries Awards

Nominate a Colleague or Business

2021 Nominations

Give your colleague or business connection
the recognition they deserve by nominating
them for the 
2021 MedTech Visionaries Awards!



What does it cost to nominate a business connection or colleague?

It is Free* to nominate a colleague,  business connection, or yourself. (Late Nominations June 1-July 16, 2021 will incur a $100 USD fee because of the crunch it will put on the judges)

Who can be nominated?

Any enterprise within the MedTech sector.  All candidates that have been nominated for the awards have either been put forward by businesses or individuals within or familiar with the nominated party. Self-nominations are also accepted. Go to this page to self nominate.  Nominations close July 16, 2021.

Nomination accepted, what happens next?

Once a nomination is accepted, the nominated party will be moved on to our shortlist. Shortlisted parties are encouraged to put forward supporting materials via our questionnaire form. This is the perfect opportunity to put forward any projects, products or services you’d like our judging panel to take into consideration.

Our in-house research team will begin to research the shortlisted party extensively online. This will include any relevant information found on public domain sources (such as press releases, client/customer testimonials, social media presence, etc.)


Please note that all submissions are treated with the strictest confidence.

To nominate someone please use the form below. Required information will have an  * asterisk.


Categories (pick one) *

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